White is the blending of all colors, black the absence of color; between, infinite possibilities.

Artists have used a single color as a vehicle for exploring both the potential and limitations of image making, using this reductive formula to experiment with composition, tonality and subject matter. For this exhibition, we have broadened our definition of monochrome to include images created with one prominent color or a limited color palette.This exhibition includes over 110 works by artists working in several different media and styles.

Exhibition on view at Gallery X from September 8 through October 3.
Aha! Night: Thursday, September 9 (5-8pm)
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 11 (5-8pm)

See something you like? Purchases can be made by contacting Gallery X by phone (508-992-2675) or email (GalleryXNB@gmail.com).

For inquiries or more information please contact Gallery X
or the exhibition’s curator, David Walega (dwalega@gmail.com).

Special thanks to James Correia for photographing all in gallery submissions.
This exhibition was made possible through the generosity and support of
the Schrafft Charitable Trust and the Island Foundation.
Thanks to the exhibiting artists, our members, and patrons.